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Collaborative 3D for engineering

Augment and optimize product and system development processes for any engineering tasks, from consumer electronics to aviation, construction, industrial machinery, automotive, medical devices, energy, and more.
3D Engineering

3D collaboration for engineering companies. At scale.

Remote teamwork

Switch to remote teamwork

Allow engineering teams to cooperate efficiently, wherever they are.

Improve accuracy and speed

Iterate on projects more easily preventing bottlenecks and reworks.


Move to production faster

Reduce 3D engineering projects' lead time and improve your bottom line.

Meet all challenges of the engineering 3D process with one tool.

Streamline complex engineering workflows with the groundbreaking 3D collaboration platform provided by RealityMAX. Enhance how engineers and interior designers work together. Simplify design preparation and specifications. Unify teams working with different software in a shared, secure online environment.

Enable effective 3D collaboration at global level

RealityMAX is the online platform where distributed teams come together to work on 3D projects in real-time. This is crucial for engineers, who can manipulate 3D models and edit materials and textures with designers in the same virtual worskpace, leaving comments to each other, applying changes right away, and quickly evaluating their impact.

Mitigate project risks and reduce costs

Missteps and flaws in design implementation and physical prototyping can cost a great deal of time and resources to engineering firms and their clients. 3D design collaboration dramatically improves communication between team members, different teams, and with stakeholders, minimizing mistakes and redesigns.and effectively managing data and its version control.

Simplify iterations and accelerate specs

Simplify iterations and accelerate specs

Effective 3D design collaboration can speed up product development by up to 40%. How so? For instance, by radically upgrading how the review and approval design process work: bringing team members and decision-makers together, and collecting actionable instant feedback. And by connecting engineers with designers more efficiently, streamlining technical requirements and integrating engineering simulation aspects.

virtual prototypes

Make better decisions with virtual prototypes

Physical prototyping (also with 3D printing techniques) is expensive and might slow down projects. Virtual prototypes in Web 3D and augmented reality that you can easily create with RealityMAX are the most effective solution to iterate frequently and cut prototyping costs, especially at demonstration at pre-production levels.

Keep product development

Keep product development 100% secure

Protecting the product development lifecycle and preventing classified information leaks is a major concern for engineering firms. We made online 3D collaboration safe with complete control over member privileges and access, activity tracking, secure sharing with password, and state-of-the-art data management shielding.

RealityMAX for engineering: the future of technical implementation

Collaborative workspaces

Collaborative workspaces

Native real-time teamwork environemnts fully equipped with tools to transform and arrange elements. All changes made by a contributor are instantly visible to all team members.

Extended format support

Extended format support

All popular 3D file formats are accepted, including .glb, .gltf, .fbx, .3dm, .obj, .stl, .3ds. You can also upload 2D assets (.jpg, .png, .webp) and .zip archives with textures.

User management and permissions

User management and permissions

Share your projects efficiently and securely, granting different privileges to different users who can view, comment, or edit scenes depending on their role in the process.

One-link share and 3D embed

One-link share and 3D embed

Generate Web3D and augmented reality previews of your projects and share them with a link or a QR. Or integrate interactive mock-ups directly in a web page (for instance, a restricted area of your website).


Can RealityMAX be used for designing both consumer goods and industrial machinery?

Yes, RealityMAX is versatile and suitable for a broad range of projects, from intricate consumer goods to large-scale industrial machinery. It supports the design, visualization, and testing of diverse mechanical components, making it ideal for various engineering applications.

What makes RealityMAX a valuable tool for 3D modeling in engineering?

RealityMAX offers real-time collaboration and instant updates, enabling mechanical engineers to iterate quickly and effectively communicate design changes.

How does RealityMAX handle the complexity of mechanical designs?

RealityMAX provides comprehensive tools to manage and visualize complex mechanical designs. It supports the assembly and analysis of intricate systems, helping engineers identify potential issues and refine designs to meet specific performance criteria.

Is RealityMAX easy to learn for new users in the engineering field?

RealityMAX is designed to be user-friendly, with a focus on minimizing the learning curve. Its intuitive interface and clear tutorials help new users quickly grasp its functionalities, making it accessible for both experienced engineers and newcomers.

Start collaborating
on 3D projects now

Together, faster, better.
Power up reality to the MAX.